Search Results
Elected President General Assembly, Ethiopia, Syria & other topics - Daily Briefing (7 June 2021)
Special Envoy for Syria & other topics – Daily Briefing (7 January 2019)
Syria, Yemen, South Sudan & other topics - Daily Press Briefing (15 June 2022)
Preventive diplomacy, Yemen, West Africa & other topics - Daily Press Briefing (16 November 2021)
Syria, Myanmar, Yemen & other topics - Daily Briefing (1 April 2021)
Syria & other topics - Daily Briefing (3 Feburary 2020)
Iran: Security Council & other topics - Daily Briefing (30 June 2020)
The Political Situation in Syria - Security Council Open VTC (16 June 2020)
Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan & other topics - Daily Briefing (15 June 2021)
State Of The Global Climate In 2020, Tanzania & other topics - Daily Briefing (16 April 2021)
Secretary-General & Other topics - Daily Briefing (16 Septemper 2019)
Soldier faints at Windsor Castle